Pokmon GO The Best Element Cup Team (June and July 2021)

Publish date: 2020-11-04

Pokémon GO’s Battle League has a pretty typical rotation of leagues that it goes through in each season, including the likes of Great, Ultra, and Master. Niantic also likes to throw some unique Cups into the mix over time too with things like the Kanto Cup and the Little Cup. Their latest of these has now arrived alongside Master League and Master League Classic and is known as the Element Cup.

The Best Element Cup Team (June and July 2021)

It has been a little while since we’ve gotten a special Cup to accompany the other Pokémon GO Battle Leagues. The Element Cup is the latest and is one that we’ve never seen before too. Compared to the rest of the leagues out there, especially the two Master Leagues going on right now, the Element Cup is very restriction, with a lot of limiters deciding who you can use.

To use a Pokémon in the Element Cup, they can only be Grass, Fire, or Water, which is no big surprise considering the name. On top of that, they have to be a Pokémon with the ability to evolve, but are required to be in their first stage of evolution. For example a Charmander would be allowed, while a Charmeleon would not. Finally, the max CP for the Element Cup is 500 CP, so that will limit plenty of Pokémon that you already have.

The Pokémon that you use across the Great League and such do change sometimes, but at least are pretty standard with some of the top Pokémon most of the time. The Element Cup is brand new though and that means knowing which Pokémon to use will be very important. That’s why we have separated the best Pokémon to use into three tiers, though remember it’s not always the best idea to just go with the top Pokémon. Finding Pokémon with the best resistances and leak weaknesses is going to be vital, so watch out for that.

Element Cup – Tier 1

PokémonTypeFast AttackCharged AttackResists againstWeak to
DucklettWater and FlyingWing AttackAerial Ace or Brave BirdGround, Fire, Water, Steel, Fighting, BugElectric, Rock
CottoneeGrass and FairyCharmGrass Knot or Seed BombDragon, Grass, Ground, Water, Fighting, Electric, DarkPoison, Fire Flying, Steel, Ice
BulbasaurGrass and PoisonVine WhipSeed Bomb or Sludge BombGrass, Water, Fairy, Fighting, ElectricFire, Ice, Flying, Psychic
VulpixFireQuick AttackWeather Ball (Fire) or Body SlamIce, Steel, Grass, Fire, Bug, FairyWater, Rock, Ground

Element Cup – Tier 2

PokémonTypeFast AttackCharged AttackResists againstWeak to
ChikoritaGrassVine WhipBody Slam or Grass KnotWater, Grass, Ground, ElectricFire, Flying, Bug, Ice, Poison
ChinchouWater and ElectricSparkThunderbolt or Bubble BeamSteel, Ice, Water, Flying, FireGrass, Ground
OddishGrass and PoisonRazor LeafSeed Bomb or Sludge BombGrass, Water, Fairy, Fighting, ElectricFire, Ice, Flying, Psychic
BudewGrass and PoisonRazor LeafGrass Knot or Energy BallGrass, Water, Fairy, Fighting, ElectricFire, Ice, Flying, Psychic
GrowlitheFireEmberFlamethrower or Body SlamIce, Steel, Grass, Fire, Bug, FairyWater, Rock, Ground
SeelWaterIce ShardIcy Wind or Aqua TailWater, Ice, Steel, FireGrass, Eletric
Lotad (XL)Water and GrassRazor LeafBubble Beam or Energy BallWater, Ground, and SteelFlying, Bug, and Poison
ExeggcuteGrass and PsychicConfusionSeed Bomb or Ancient PowerWater, Psychic, Grass, Ground, Fighting, ElectricBug, Fire, Dark, Flying, Ghost, Ice, Poison
WooperWater and GroundMud ShotMud Bomb or Body SlamRock, Poison, Steel, Electric, FireGrass

Element Cup – Tier 3

PokémonTypeFast AttackCharged AttackResists againstWeak to
ChespinGrassVine WhipSeed Bomb or Body SlamWater, Grass, Ground, ElectricFire, Flying, Bug, Ice, Poison
SewaddleBug and GrassBug BiteSeed Bomb or Silver WindGrass, Ground, Water, Fighting, ElectricFire, Flying, Ice, Bug, Rock, Poison
TepigFireEmberBody Slam or Flame ChargeIce, Steel, Grass, Fire, Bug, FairyWater, Rock, Ground
SlowpokeWater and PsychicConfusionPsyshock or PsychicWater, Psychic, Ice, Fire, Fighting, SteelDark, Ghost, Grass, Electric, Bug
TurtwigGrassRazor LeafSeed Bomb or Body SlamWater, Grass, Ground, ElectricFire, Flying, Bug, Ice, Poison
FoongusGrass and PoisonFeint AttackGrass Knot or Body SlamGrass, Water, Fairy, Fighting, ElectricFire, Ice, Flying, Psychic
ShroomishGrassBullet SeedSeed Bomb or Grass KnotWater, Grass, Ground, ElectricFire, Flying, Bug, Ice, Poison

And that’s our list of the best Pokémon for the Pokémon GO Element Cup for June and July 2021.
