All Dead by Daylight Status Effects, Explained

Publish date: 2020-09-18

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Right behind the vast amount of perks and addons in Dead By Daylight, you have a large number of status effects that you need to worry about. While some status effects you can apply to yourself with items and perks will allow you to read about them before a match, there are some status effects that a killer or another survivor can apply to you during a match and you won’t have much of a clue about what it does. Let’s go over each of the status effects in Dead By Daylight and what each of them does to you.

Survivor Only Status Effects

Most status effects in the game will be applied to survivors, whether it is giving yourself haste or a killer applying Hemorrhage onto you. You will see most of the staus effects of Dead By Daylight as a survivor.


Starting out with the positive effects for survivors, Endurance will allow you to take a hit from a killer and not lose a health state. This effect can be given from a few different perks but the most common source of it is from Dead Hard and Borrowed Time.


The final status effect that a survivor will want to see on their screen is Blessed. This status effect is granted by Boon perks on a Blessed Totem. The effects of this status effect will change depending on the boons that were applied to the totem. They can range from letting you self-heal to giving you a small movement speed increase.


Moving onto the negative status effects, we have Broken. If a survivor is under the Broken status effect they are unable to heal or be healed pasted the Injured State. A Broken survivor can still be healed in the Dying State back up to the Injured State but no further. This is mostly applied by killers but can be applied by some perks for a limited duration or in the case of No Mither, the whole match.


The Cursed status effect is more of a warning system than an effect. When a survivor has this status effect on their screen it means they are under the effect of a Hex Totem and they need to find the lit totem and cleanse it in order to be free from the effect.

Deep Wound

The Deep Wound is a status effect that put survivors outside of a chase on a clock. A survivor with Deep Wound will have a health bar on their HUD, the bar will decrease while the survivor is out of chase and when it empties the survivor will go into the Dying State. In order to get rid of the Deep Wound status effect, a survivor must either perform the Mend action on themselves or be Mended by another survivor. The bar will not drain while the survivor is mending or being mended.


The Exhausted status effect will prevent a survivor from using any Exhaustion perks. These perks are normally perks that slow the killer down or speed up the survivor. The Exhausted status effect is to prevent these perks from being chained together and forcing a survivor to pick one that they want to use at a time. The Exhausted effect timer will only decrease when the survivor is not running. This means it will be hard for you to recover from Exhaustion in a chase with the killer.


The Exposed Status effect is the most dangerous status effect for survivors. When you are under this effect you can be downed by a single basic attack from a killer no matter what health state you are at. This status effect is so dangerous to survivors that you will get a visual and sound cue when you are put under this effect.


Being under the Hemorrhage status effect will make it harder for you to hide from the killer. Hemorrhage will make you leave behind more pools of blood on the ground thus making it easier for the killer to see them and track you. You will also lose any healing progress at a rate of 7% per second if you do not finish a heal.


Hindered is a status effect that will decrease a survivor’s movement speed by a set amount. The strength and duration of the Hindered will vary depending on the source of the effect. During some events, it is possible to suffer from this effect on a killer but you won’t normally see this effect on a killer.


Being Incapacitated will prevent a survivor from interacting with most game objects. While incapacitated you will be unable to repair generators, sabotage hooks, use items, interact with other survivors, and cleanse totems. You can still enter and exit lockers, open and leave through exit gates, leave through the hatch, drop and vault pallets, and vault windows.


The Madness status effect is exclusive to the Docter. The effect can be applied in multiple tiers and can increase and decrease in tiers throughout a trial. The exact effects of Madness will vary depending on the add-ons the Docter is using, but a survivor will scream when they go up a tier in Madness.


Being hit with the Mangled status effect will increase the amount of time it takes to heal you. Whether you are healing yourself or being healed by another survivor it will take 25% longer to heal you. The exact effect of this status effect is to decrease your healing speed by 20%.


The Oblivious status effect will make the survivor unable to discern the killer’s presence. While under the effect of Oblivious you will not be able to hear the Terror Radius of the killer. This means that any effects that require you to be inside a killer’s Terror Radius will not work on you either. You will still hear chase music if you are in a chase with the killer.


The Torment status effect is another status effect exclusive to a killer, this time it is from Pyramid Head. You will get this status effect if you walk or run through Pyramid Head’s trail of torment. When you receive this effect, the survivor will scream and you will have barbed wire and razor blades appear on the edges of your screen. As you move around you will leave behind a small trail of goop with barbed wire and razor blades. The killer will also be able to track you easier for a few seconds after you first get tormented.

If you get downed while under the effect of Torment, Pyramid Head can either send you to a Cage of Atonement or if you are on your third hook state he can mori you. The only way to remove Torment is to be rescued or rescue another survivor from a Cage of Atonement.

Survivor and Killer Status Effects


Starting out with a negative effect for both killers and survivors, Blindness will block the aura reading ability of whoever it is applied to. For Survivors, this will make them unable to see downed survivors as well as generator and locker auras if they had something granting them the ability to see them. For Killers, they will be unable to see the aura of hooks if they are carrying a survivor and the aura of generators.


Haste can be applied to both killers and survivors. This one is pretty self-explanatory, when you have this status effect you move faster. The movement speed increase can change depending on the perk. With Perks like Sprint Burst giving a large boost and Hope giving a smaller boost but for a longer duration. For Killers, this status effect is only granted through add-ons and the Blight’s power.

Killer Status Effects


Bloodlust is a positive status effect for killers that will allow them to move faster. This effect is granted in tiers as a chase goes on and the killer does not break a pallet/wall or injure a survivor with a basic attack or ranged attack. The speed bonus provided by Bloodlust increases as the tier of Bloodlust increases and is instantly lost when the killer injures a survivor or breaks a breakable object. If you lose a chase you will also lose the effects of Bloodlust.


Another positive status effect for the killer, Undetectable will apply stealth mechanics to a killer. While under the effect of Undetectable the killer will have no Terror Radius, have no Red Stain, and can not have their aura revealed to survivors. It will also suppress the jump-scare sound cue that survivors looking at you get when you being to move after standing still. You can tell if you are under the effect of Undetectable if you have a smokey effect on the sides of your screen.

There are tons of status effects in Dead By Daylight and it can be quite hard to remember each and every one of them as well as their effects. Even if you can’t remember exactly what a status effect does, you can tell if it is a positive or negative effect if based on the color of the perk or if it has an arrow on it. A yellow or blue effect icon or an up arrow generally means the perk is beneficial to you. A red icon or a down arrow means that the effect is negative and not something you want.

This can be a useful idea to keep in mind as you loop killers in-game and don’t want to instantly go down when you get hit with a status effect. You’ll know that you need to be more careful if the effect is red and will know not to worry if it is yellow or blue. If you need any more help with Dead By Daylight make sure to check out our other guides.

Dead by Daylight is available now and can be played on PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, Google Stadia, PC, IOS, and Android.

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