Fire Emblem Three Houses Guide: How To Host The Best Tea Parties

Publish date: 2021-09-07

If you went into Fire Emblem: Three Houses thinking the most you would be expected to do is teach and fight, then you’re in for quite a shock. As it turns out, you’ll also be expected to host tea parties for your students and fellow faculty members.

What Are Tea Parties


Unlocked in Chapter 2 after giving Lorenz the Elegant Tea Set you receive as part of a quest from Ferdinand, Tea Parties allow you to have some one-on-one time with a student or fellow teacher in order to get to know them better.

So long as it’s their birthday or your relationship with them is at least C-Rank and they have time, you can invite anyone to the garden and have a quiet chat while sipping on tea. During this time, you can ask them an assortment of questions and depending on how engaged they are in the conversation, you’ll receive some rewards.

Do note, however, that failing two conversation prompts in a row will result in a failure.

Okay, So How Do I Host The Best Tea Parties?


The easiest part about hosting tea parties is choosing the tea leaves you wish to use. You’ll typically find them lying around the school, but they can later be purchased from special merchants unlocked in Chapter 5. There are no wrong choices when picking which tea to brew for your guest, but picking the right one will reduce the amount of correct dialogue options needed to achieve a Perfect Tea Time by one, making the special fourth conversation prompt easier to unlock.

And this leads to the hard aspect of hosting tea parties: the dialogue options.

The dialogue options are vague, requiring you to give prompts for topics of conversation, instead of saying anything concrete. Therefore, you’ll need to consider the guest’s personality (along with any quirks you might have learned about them during the course of the story) to ensure the party goes off with a hitch.

As an example:

Here’s a complete list of potential guests, as well as their likes and dislikes (I’ll list their favorite tea too if I happened to find it):


That’s it for hosting tea parties in Fire Emblem: Three Houses. It’s not necessarily something you’ll spend a lot of time doing, but if you’re going to do it, you might as well do it right.
