Red Dead Online Naturalist Guide: Forest & Rivers Habitat Locations

Publish date: 2020-07-01

The Forest & Rivers set can seem deceivingly easy to complete until you try and seek out both types of Western Moose – and just maybe the Grizzly Bear. If you go out looking for any of these animals and can’t find the exact one you need, you can always respawn into another lobby to increase your chances of finding the animal you want. It might take awhile, but with enough patience, you’re bound to find one…eventually. In the end, it’ll probably be all worth it! So don’t feel too discouraged. Because I’m here to give you a quick and comprehensive guide that’s filled with locations and tips you can use in completing the forest & rivers set in your animal field guide.


American Black Bear

The American Black Bear is found in the remote woodlands of Roanoke, Big Valley and Tall Trees. It is smaller than the Grizzly Bear. The main diet of these omnivorous animals consists of salmon, honey, fruit, small mammals and carrion. Multiple shots of sedative are needed to penetrate its thick fur.


North American Beaver

The North American Beaver can be found along the Kamassa River in Roanoke. Its herbivorous diet consists of tree bark, cambium, roots, buds, and water plants. Beavers require very little sedative.


North American Raccoon

North American Raccoons are found across Lemoyne, New Hanover and West Elizabeth. As omnivores, their diet includes plants, berries, amphibians, rodents, and eggs, depending on their environment. Only a couple of sedative shots are needed.


American Red Fox

The American Red Fox is native to the forests and grasslands of West Elizabeth, New Hanover, and Lemoyne. As omnivores, their diet consists of small mammals like squirrels and rabbits, as well as birds, fruits, berries, and grasses. A few shots of sedative will render this fox unconscious.


American Gray Fox

The American Gray Fox is native to the forest and grasslands of West Elizabeth, New Hanover, and Lemoyne. As omnivores, their diet consists of small mammals like squirrels and rabbits, as well as birds, fruits, berries, and grasses. Foxes can be easily sedated with just a few shots.


Silver Fox

The Silver Fox can be found in various habitats across the states. They are omnivores, feeding on plant matter, rodents, insects, birds, and carrion. This fox will only need a small number of sedative shots.


Striped Skunk

The Striped Skunk can be found in a variety of habitats across the states. Their omnivorous diet consists of insects, fish, crustaceans, small mammals, grasses, fruits, and carrion. Skunks have the ability to create a spray using their scent glands to deter predators. Due to their size, only a small amount of sedative is needed to subdue a skunk.


Virginia Opossum

The Virginia Opossum can be found in a variety of habitats across the states. As omnivores, their diet consists of grains, nuts, fruits, amphibians, birds and their eggs, mice, and carrion. Very little sedative is needed.


American Muskrat

The American Muskrat’s main habitat is along the rivers and shores of New Austin, West Elizabeth, Lemoyne and New Hanover. As omnivores their diet consists of aquatic vegetation, small fish and amphibians. This rodent needs a small dose of sedative.


Western Bull Moose

The Western Bull Moose is native to the state of West Elizabeth. Their omnivorous diet includes shoots from willow and birch trees, aquatic plants and forbs. These large mammals require several shots of sedative before they can be safely sampled.


Western Moose

The Western Moose can be found in the remote forested areas of West Elizabeth, Ambarino and New hanover. Their omnivorous diet includes shoot from willow and birch trees, aquatic plants and forbs. Use a large dose of sedative to bring down this mammal.


Grizzly Bear

Grizzly Bears are endemic to Grizzlies East. As an omnivore, its diet ranges from berries, roots, and grasses to deer, elk, fish,, and carrion. Be warned, a large amount of sedative is needed to safely subdue a Grizzly Bear.


Black-Tailed Jackrabbit

The Black-tailed Jackrabbit can be found in a variety of habitats across the states. As herbivores, their diet consists of vegetation forbs, buds, twigs, bark, and crops, which is why they are considered pests. Only use a couple of sedative shots on these creatures.


If you’re looking for the fastest way to level up, you’re gonna want to try and farm the max number of samples from each animal before you move onto the next one. Once you’ve captured the max number of samples for each of the animals, return to Harriet and turn them in one at a time to receive the corresponding stamp in your animal field guide book. After you have all the stamps in the farmland habitat set, turn them in for a 1000 XP points towards the Naturalist role. Repeat this same process four more times until you’ve managed turned in all your samples. This should you 5000 XP points in total bringing you that much closer to becoming a distinguished Naturalist.
